A Farmer's Market Challenge

Project developed for a challenge called Host thinking for the Horeca industry
Host thinking (HORECA)
Dhanashri Walimbe, Marcela Cubero, Erik Andrade, Yasuyuki Hayama, Nicole De Candido and Silvia Podestà

Project description

The Farmers Picnic is a natural place when consumers not only can plant and harvest their own food, but chefs cook it in a picnic style. The location has a natural spirit, perfect to have a nice picnic.

Location: Milan, Italy

UX Approach


How does the emotional connection with food and knowledge is represented?

Consumer creates a connection once he can select the exact vegetable or fruit he is going to eat but also when the consumer is able to cultivate his own food and after eat it again.

How the restaurant creates customer loyalty?

- By providing
- There’s a post service where the restaurant creates an offline alert for users to inform when is the planted vegetable ready to eat  and with it a discount bonus.

How the farm and the suppliers complement the materials for cooking?

The Farmer’s Picninc Farm becomes an element to provide the experience on user, not a food supplier itself, instead we outsource the large amount of food the restaurant requires to satisfie clients.


Harvest Experience / Planting

- Healthy / Local food
- Educational | Know food production, ingredient production
- Enjoy the nature

Picninc experience inside cities

- Smell clean air / Fresh breathing
- Natural experience / Natural connection

Natura small gift that recall the moment

- Send post card, written by hand  by staff
- Plant in home
- Come back again


System map

The Farmer's Picnic value and revenue streams explained.



The Farmer's Picnic proposes a linear experience divided in 6 steps. Harversting, delivery, cultivate, pickup and picnic area.


Layout and space planning

Let's talk!

Drop a message if you are interested in working together. I will reply super fast! If you prefer sending me an email click here

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